We are awesome

We are awesome

When we see a newborn we marvel at its perfection so how come we lose that experience? The answer lies in the development of the brain . As we mature we collect thoughts and impressions and organize beliefs the same way we organize files in a computer. Not a romantic notion but a beautiful one…

The Need to Be Heard

The Need to Be Heard

Being heard and seen can only happen in a safe space in which care and consideration is a given. When there is fighting, demanding, or blaming the safe space disappears, and with it the possibility to be heard, seen, and valued. I have witnessed this pattern between the partners in a couple and also between…

The Space Of Presence

The Space Of Presence

How can I be here for you and for myself without my judgments and evaluations, and why would I want to? In committing to being present in a relationship, I am basically saying that I am here for you and for myself without prejudice. The reason for suspending my interpretation and evaluation of an interaction…