• Eight week classes focused on relational language and concepts.
  • Recovering from estrangement,
  • Community practice.


What we are learning is how to maintain emotional literacy even during stressful situations. How to redirect the interaction when it moves towards disconnection. How to clarify what the other person heard us say and discover what is in the way of being fully heard. How to identify together the needs of the relationship at any given moment.

The course will meet weekly for eight consecutive weeks for 2 hours each session online via Zoom. The focus will be on learning emotional literacy skills in a relational setting.

  • Develop awareness of when we become reflexive and leave our center.
  • Notice when we become avoidant in relationships.
  • Differentiate between a stimulus and the thoughts we generate.
  • Notice the story we tell ourselves and the emotional impact it has on us.
  • Connect the story to the need we long to meet.
  • Lean the language of feelings and needs that will not create defensiveness in the person you are relating to.
  • The cost is $480 for eight weeks.

The intermediate course will build on the skills we learned. The eight consecutive week course is online via Zoom. The focus will be on observing sensory and mental experiences, and distinguishing them from the mental interpretations we ascribe to them. This practice is to remember that the power is in clarity and in the grounding in the present.

  • Strengthen the skill of staying longer in our own center.
  • Setting the conscious intention to connect by asking myself if my input serves connection and clarifies an issue.
  • Staying in curiosity. Accepting that in some ways you are a mystery to me, not a mystery to solve but a mystery to learn from.
  • Learning the words that have feelings attached to them but are mixed with evaluations. These words are used as feelings by the person delivering them but are almost always recieved as evaluations.
  • Learning the importance of staying in the “I” when communicating.
  • The journey of giving choices and accepting a new choice in meeting needs.
  • The cost is $480 for the 8 week course.

When parents are suddenly blocked from being part of their children’s and grandchildren’s lives the first question the parent asks is “what have I done?” and my answer is almost always “nothing”.

Your children are not responding to you. In my experience they are not in a relationship with you. They are in a relationship with an ideology. Their behavior is based on values and beliefs that they have adopted. These values and beliefs are not in agreement with what a parent/child relationship requires.

This course is done by application and capped at 12 people for eight consecutive weeks online via Zoom.

The focus is on exploring

  • How we react to change.
  • What are the steps involved in making novel choices.
  • Considering the experience of empathy when we have to discern between empathic and evaluative response.
  • Discovering how do we hold life itself during challenging moments.

Reclaiming the trust and care between a parent and a child after estrangement or emotional distancing requires guidance. The focus is on getting to know each other as adults and also in establishing common values.